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Feed Your Brain-It’s Hungry!

by G. Finkel on December 8th, 2008

The Brain Diet

Ok let’s get right to your brain diet. Spices such as turmeric and sage or minor munchies such as walnuts have been proven to be effective brain food. But don’t worry, there are more substantial (and tasty!) forms of brain nutrition.


First there’s wild salmon (sushi anybody?). Wild salmon is one of the healthiest forms of nutrition across the board for anybody to eat. It is an essential source of Omega 3 fatty acids, as well as a source of non-animal protein, which the brain loves. Salmon improves your brain matter, and reduces your risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s among other things.


As for drinks and dessert, the cacao bean is loaded with high concentrations of cognitive enhancers. Yes, that means that chocolate is brain food! But before you run out and buy yourself a Snicker’s bar, remember that popular brands of chocolate have all kinds of additives and preservatives which are actually bad for your brain.

Organic chocolate is the good stuff your brain likes, especially minimally processed and fully organic non-alkalized cocoa powder, which you can add to a high protein drink such as soy milk (or just regular low-fat milk for those of you who aren’t so hardcore).


If you have the munchies, high cacao percentage chocolate bars of at least 75% cacao content will feed your brain well.


Your brain also fancies a nice cup of tea, but only tea with stone ground Gyokuru green tea powder.


The well known akai berry is another source of Omega 3’s.

Blueberries are an even more amazing berry. They have been found by the FDA in a Tufts University study to actually reverse age-related decline, improve short term memory loss, and help reverse age-related loss of balance.

Cup of Joe

Finally, a cup of coffee can also do the trick, but not just any coffee: it’s all in the beans. Fresh ground gently roasted coffee bean powder is great for the brain—even the caffeine! In fact, science has demonstrated that regular coffee consumption will reduce the risk of mental decline and associated diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

So there’s your first official brain diet: your brain is now ready to chow down!

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